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Officers 2000 - 2001
Front Row: Dewey Norris - Junior Deacon Chuck Wheeler - Senior Warden Duncan Baldwin - Worshipful Master Ron Deshong - Junior Warden Jeramy Stephens - Senior Deacon Doug Mitchell - Tiler
Back Row: James German - Senior Steward Bill Womack - Chaplain Vern Tate - Treasurer Don Pettke - Secretary James R. Walden - Junior Steward


Officers 2001 - 2002
Front Row Ron Deshong - Senior Warden Chuck Wheeler - Worshipful Master Dewey Norris - Junior Warden Doug Mitchell - Steward
Back Row Vern Tate - Treasurer James Clements - Junior Deacon (Protem) Don Pettke - Secretary Not Pictured James German - Senior Deadon Ken Mason - Junior Deacon John Shue - Chaplain Donnie Garrett - Junior Steward Rick Trimble - Tiler


Officers 2002 - 2003
Front Row Tommy Lewis - Senior Deacon Clair Billington - President of 64th District M.W.S.A. James Hotopp - DDGM Ron Deshong - Worshipful Master Boyd Patterson - Deputy Grand Master Jack Davidson - DDGM J.W. "Red" Walker - Chaplain
Back Row Larry Richie - Tiler Vern Tate - Treasurer Chuck Wheeler - Junior Past Master James Clements - Junior Deacon Dewey Norris - Senior Warden Jack Masters - Senior Steward Doug Mitchell - Junior Warden Not Pictured: Rick Trimble - Secretary Lewis T. "Tommy" Lee - Senior Deacon


Officers 2003 - 2004
Front Row Doug Mitchell - Senior Warden Dewey Norris - Worshipful Master James Clements - Junior Warden Chuck Wheeler - Treasurer
Back Row Kendall G. Henry - Musician Vern Tate - Junior Steward Rick Trimble - Secretary Ron Deshong - Tiler Allan Farquhar - Senior Deacon Jack Johnson - Senior Steward James German - Chaplain Tracy Baccus - Junior Deacon


Officers 2004 - 2005
Front Row Chuck Wheeler - Treasurer Bobby Joe McIntyre - Junior Deacon Allan Farquhar - Junior Warden Doug Mitchell - Worshipful Master Tracy Baccus - Senior Deacon Neal Cooper Jr - Chaplain
Back Row Dewey Norris - Tiler Ron Deshong - DDGM Tom Stephens - Vern Tate - Junior Steward Jack Johnson - Senior Steward Not Pictured: James Clements - Senior Warden Kendall G. Henry - Musician


Officers 2005 - 2006
Front Row Scott Baccus - Junior Deacon Tracy Baccus - Junior Warden James Clements - Worshipful Master Allan Farquhar - Senior Warden Steve Golightly - Senior Deacon
Back Row Chuck Wheeler - Treasurer Dewey Norris - Chaplain Vern Tate - Junior Steward Tom Stephens - Tiler Ron Deshong - Secretary Jack Johnson - Senior Steward


Officers 2006 - 2007
Front Row James Clements - Chaplain Gene Autry - Junior Warden Allan Farquhar - Worshipful Master Steve Golightly - Senior Deacon Ronald G. Deshong - Secretary Don Pettke - Junior Steward
Back Row Charles M. "Chuck" Wheeler - Treasurer Dewey Norris - Senior Deacon Joe Godwin - Junior Deacon Jack Johnson - Senior Steward Weldon "Red" Connell - Tiler


Officers 2007 - 2008
Steve Golightly - Worshipful Master Gene Autry - Senior Warden Joseph Godwin - Junior Warden Charles M. "Chuck" Wheeler - Treasurer Ronald G. Deshong - Secretary Allan Farquhar - Chaplain Dewey Norris - Senior Deacon Andrew Cowley - Junior Deacon Jack Johnson - Senior Steward Don Pettke - Junior Steward Tom Stephens - Tiler


Officers 2008 - 2009
Front Row: Robert Raitt - Senior Deacon Mike Raitt - Junior Stewart Allan Farquhar - Tiler Gene Autry - Worshipful Master James Clements - Chaplain Karl Hargis - Junior Warden Rick Patterson - Senior Warden Gene Holdridge - Junior Deacon
Back Row: David Priddy - Installing Marshal Ron Deshong - Installing Master Not Pictured: Chuck Wheeler - Treasurer


Officers 2009 - 2010
Front Row: Chad Keith - Tiler John Autry - Junior Warden Gene Autry - Worshipful Master Karl Hargis - Senior Warden Dewey W. Norris - Secretary
Back Row: Jeramy Stephens - Senior Deacon Dewey Norris - Secretary James Clements - Chaplain Gene Holdridge - Junior Deacon Not Pictured: Chuck Wheeler - Treasurer


Some Group Photo History

There are no know group photos before 1968, the ones listed on the website are all displayed in the entry hall of the Lodge.

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